Once again I’m shaking my head over how much time has passed since I posted an entry on my blog. I could come up with a myriad of excuses. I could berate myself for not making the time, but the truth is, LIFE HAPPENS. Things happen that take priority. When that occurs, you set down what’s important to you and do what needs to be done.
In a nutshell, my time has been consumed with a lot of caregiving. I’ll spare you the gory details, but suffice to say, it involved both human and canine. As much as I’d like to say I was able to juggle life well and continue flying forward with my own personal goals that just isn’t true. I did try to keep moving forward; but, alas, it was at a snail’s pace.
Nonetheless, I believe I have come through the caregiving tunnel. Though I can’t put it down completely, it no longer consumes my day, my sleep or my thoughts. THANK GOODNESS!
Now that there is a big gaping hole in my mind where caregiving camped out for a good year, I can allow my thoughts to meander at will. These days, they’re filled with:
- first day of school worries
- magical ponchos
- beasts scaring critters
- curious UFOs
- ice skaters on Saturn
- caring oak trees
Hmm, okay, I admit it … my imagination does run along the wacky path. 🙂
That’s a good thing though! Especially if you want to write children’s books. I’m currently juggling 3 different stories and I have one percolating in my mind that I’ve got to get started on lest the inspiration muses decide I’ve dilly-dallied too long and pass the idea along to someone else.
Though it scares me to do, I believe it is time for me to put some of my work out to the universe. Among those who choose to read my stories, I’m sure there will be a mix of “lovers”, “haters” and “Meh, it’s okay-ers”. Although I want the “lovers” to far outweigh the others, it is what it is. I don’t write for the accolades (though mind you I do love them!). I write because I love to write. I love when I get an idea and can’t wait to write it down. I love throwing my stories out to my critique group, having them challenge me and force me to see my story from different angles. They’ve helped me to grow and improve as a writer.
In the next day or two, I will post an entry on my blog for a writing contest that I am entering. Throughout the year, Susanna Leonard Hill, a children’s author, runs contests for writers which “provide inspiration and practice, help writers flex their writing muscles and spread their writing wings.” It’s fun, it’s challenging and most of all it’s helpful in honing writing skills.
The contest is to write a Valentine’s Day story in which someone feels curious, which is appropriate for children ages 12 and under and with a maximum of 214 words. You will finally have an opportunity to get a glimpse of my writing – the good, the bad and the ugly. I’d love some honest feedback. Do check my blog again in the next day or 2 to read my contest entry.
I’m happy you’re back on track with your writing, I know you’ve missed it. Great post!
Thank you! I’m definitely enjoying being more creative! <3
Love your website and great post, Cheri! It was interesting to learn a little more about you. I look forward to reading your posts . . . and your contest entries! Good luck!
Thanks! Love your website. I haven’t had a chance to peruse it, but plan to! Good luck to you!
Yay! You are back to writing. I’ve missed your blog and I can’t wait to read more.
Thanks Teri! You know if felt really good to get back to writing the blog. I hope to keep up with it at the very least on a monthly basis.