Where it all began …

I know I promised to share with you details about my 2014 plan; but before I do that, I thought it would be prudent to tell you about my book and give you the background on how it came to be. That way when I dive into the details about my plan, you will have some frame of reference.

Photo courtesy of Istockphoto.com/donskarpo

Photo courtesy of Istockphoto.com/donskarpo

My writing creativity flows out of me in rhyme. I don’t know why that is, but rhyming comes easily to me as does the cadence and flow of each rhyming verse. This unique skill is obviously conducive to children’s books and though I have written one that I adore, I choose to move forward with the another book I have created. There are several reasons behind this:

Intention is the starting point of every dream (Deepak Chopra)

In January of this year, I went on a wonderful vacation to Maui to celebrate my anniversary with my husband. It was the perfect time to reflect and set my intentions on what I want and where I want to go.
Photo courtesy of Istockphoto.com/Peshkova

Photo courtesy of Istockphoto.com/Peshkova

When setting intentions, I kept it simple. I articulated my desire to become a successful writer and I envisioned what that would look like to me. Everyday on the vacation, I consistently threw my intentions out to the universe. Mind you, I had been doing that for a least a year prior to vacation, but I wasn’t as diligent nor as mindful. My intentions must have been heard because only a few days into our vacation, the first door in this writing journey appeared.