Bonds of friendship

Director-G​eneral Lai presents citation to WWII veteran William Seam Wong, U.S. Army, 14th Air Force (aka "Flying Tigers"), 407th Air Service Squadron

Director-G​eneral Lai presents citation to WWII veteran William Seam Wong, U.S. Army, 14th Air Force (aka “Flying Tigers”), 407th Air Service Squadron

Last Friday, in Boston, MA, my father, William S. Wong and 2 of his fellow servicemen were honored for their service in World War II. My father was part of an all-Chinese American unit called the 407th Air Service Squadron.

The 407th Air Service Squadron was activated in November 1942 to support aerial operations in China. Army Air Force support personnel who were fluent in both the English and Chinese languages were needed to communicate easily with both Chinese soldiers and civilians. This service unit served a special mission: to assist American Flying Tigers pilots and to train Chinese Air Force ground crews to defend against Japanese invasion.

Getting my ducks in line

Welcome! Thank you for joining me on this momentous occasion! I’m really excited to launch my blog to share with you my journey as an aspiring author.
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My name is Cheri-Ann and I have a new life. I’m migrating from a traditional career in engineering to a new career as a writer.

For me, writing a book was the easy part. Figuring out what to do with it once it was written is an entirely different story. Just to give you some background … I’m one of those people that likes to get their ducks in line before making a move.